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April 09, 1981
Minneapolis, MN, USA - Uncle Sam's

1. The Ocean
2. 11 O'Clock Tick Tock
3. I Will Follow
4. An Cat Dubh
5. Into The Heart
6. Another Time, Another Place
7. Cry / The Electric Co.
8. Things To Make And Do
9. Stories For Boys
10. Boy-Girl
11. Out Of Control
12. A Day Without Me
13. 11 O'Clock Tick Tock
14. The Ocean
15. I Will Follow

Sound Quality:
Excellent audience.

review taken from "Steve's Concert Trading Page", run by Steve Vahey:
This is a remastered version of the show "We're Called U2" that I received from Justin Cook. I decided that it was so close to being perfect, that I may as well go ahead and put some shine on this baby. I increased the level to saturated, remixed the EQ a bit and eliminated a couple cuts in the recording by cross fading the clipped ends. I also performed a very light hiss reduction for a finishing touch. This recording is really incredible!

The running time is about 25 seconds shorter on the remastered version because I removed some dead air at the beginning and end of the recording and I cross faded a couple breaks between tracks. You'll also notice that the track lengths are different. This is because I created a new cuesheet for the remastered version and moved some of the index positions. There are no clicks or gaps between the tracks on this remastered version. All transitions are seamless.

There's a small blip in the recording at approximately 1:45 into track 3, I Will Follow.
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